Marine Technology Center of Sweden recommended in Sweden as test center within NATO DIANA

In a response from the Swedish Armed Forces and Vinnova to the Ministry of Defence, Karlskrona’s marine ecosystem Marine Technology Center of Sweden is recommended as a test center within NATO DIANA for technology development and innovation in the surface and underwater domain. The test center has two main areas; defense and offshore energy. One area that has gained increased importance is the monitoring of critical infrastructure on the seabed.


Earlier this year, the Swedish Armed Forces and Vinnova were tasked to, in collaboration with the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), submit proposals for suitable organizations as Swedish candidates for the Defense Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA). 76 Swedish organizations submitted an expression of interest. In the response reported on October 31, five actors in Sweden have been recommended, all of whom are leaders in their respective fields. LEAD in Linköping as accelerator, as well as Svenska rymdaktiebolaget, RISE, MAX IV and Marine Technology Center of Sweden as test center.

– DIANA utilizes its acceleration program and test center network to bring together start-ups and innovators with established businesses and research to drive forward new technologies and solutions, says Oskar Frånberg, Research Leader at MTC.
– For Karlskrona and Marine Technology Center of Sweden, it holds significant value that Sweden and NATO DIANA looks to us when it comes to technology development and competence in the surface and underwater domain. It is in Karlskrona that you should be established if you want to have access to world-leading competence, mentoring and testing opportunities in connection to the Baltic Sea, Oskar continues.

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